with Dr. Adrian Clegg
The Functional Medicine model is a personalized, evidence-based method of healthcare that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal health. It requires a comprehensive understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical and lifestyle factors. Treatment programs are designed specifically with the help of functional lab testing.
Our current healthcare system is not adequately equipped for the serious challenges of chronic disease. In Australia, 50% of the population have at least one serious chronic health condition and 25% have two or more diagnosed chronic health complaints. Functional Medicine is an evolution in healthcare which better addresses patients’ needs in the 21st century.
Stress and Anxiety are major problems in today’s society. Chronic stress and increased levels of cortisol combined with other stress hormones may put you at risk of developing;
The main type of stress is emotional stress due to relationships, finances, work or even the death of a loved one. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), something I have first-hand experience with is also a common source of stress and HPA Axis Dysregulation.
Supplements we use in our programs have been shown to improve resistance towards stress and improve
self-assessed quality of life. Cortisol levels were also lower in the group who received the intervention(1).
Good health allows you to do the things you love; exercise, hobbies, travel and family time can be enjoyed when you have more energy, better fitness and clarity of mind. We provide support, a plan and easy to follow, streamlined programs that will fit into your busy schedule.
By listening to our patients and learning their own unique health story we can start to tailor our recommendations and create a plan that promotes health as a positive vitality, beyond just the absence of disease. The initial consultation visit is an important step in the healing process where your health goals are made. You have the choice to visit our Sydney CBD clinic or opt for a phone consultation for your convenience.
A crucial part of our programs involves completing functional lab testing. Here we utilise tests for your hormones, digestion, detoxification, heavy metals and food allergies. Most test specimens can be collected in the comfort of your own home via a urine, breath or stool sample. We only recommend tests from trusted partners which have been chosen due to their clinical relevance.
Based on your functional lab results, your program will include a personalized nutrition plan, supplement program and lifestyle changes including exercise recommendations and stress reduction via meditation or HRV. The protocols are evidence – based and concentrate on addressing the underlying causes of chronic health conditions, often before symptoms appear.
What I have found to be the most crucial part is the collaborative approach that health coaching can offer. We will check in weekly or at a frequency of your choice to help keep you on track until we retest to objectively measure your progress. Consistency is key when it comes to improving your health.
We use the DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones)
Here we can measure;
Stool testing to measure;
SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) breath testing